Spree with Me

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Stylist Academy: How to Create a Profile

All Style Mavens will need to create a profile with the following information. Most fields are mandatory, but only a select few personal details will be made public:

First name: (public)

Last name:

Email address:

Username (public): This username will be visible in the URL of your profile, so please choose something suitable. It cannot be changed.

Profile picture (public):


Display name (public): This is the name that will be visible on the front of all of your Sprees.

Please make your names a reflection of your personal name rather than any related business name. Edited versions of full personal names are acceptable to protect privacy. For example, it is suitable for the individual Jamie White to also register with the alternative username 'Jamie L', or as 'Jamie White Stylist', but not the business name 'White Style Agency'.

Phone number:

About you (public) [length 100-250 words is ideal] Speak about yourself in a way to really differentiate yourself and to attract the people you prefer to shop with.

NB: please do not include any links to your personal contact details, website or social media as per our terms and conditions

Relevant Training and/or experience (public): Be specific but keep it brief.

Eg: I studied Fashion Design at the University of Queensland (2015). I have worked as an independent Personal Stylist and Shopper for the last 3 years, in addition to 5 years' experience in retail.

Describe my style  (public): This isn’t supposed to be too serious, but it helps attract the right clients for you.

Languages other than English (public) (not a mandatory field): This is a tick-a-box field

3 Fast Facts About Me (public):  Keep it light - this will help Clients generate conversation or choose you if they identify with something you’ve written.

My favourite locations for a Spree (public): A summary of destinations where you have listed Sprees

Eg. Brisbane: Queen Street Mall, Fortitude Valley and James Street.